Made with Supabase


Drawy is an easy to use web based drawing app that lets you draw doodles and share them with other members on the platform from anywhere around the world!

It's complete with User Authentication ( Magic link + 3rd party auth - Google and Github), and Database to store data about the doodles. All you need to do is Draw, Share and have a good time on Drawy :)

Here's a link to the working site. Have a look around, Doodle and Share.

The Team


Here's quick demo of Drawy :

How it works

Supabase has been integral part of this project and has helped us achieve our goals in such a short period of time. Here's how we used it's features in our website:

  1. For Sign up and Login we are using Supabase Magic Link Authentication Service
  2. Users also have a choice to Login using third party auth like Google and Github which hve been implemented using Supabase Auth
  3. All Data of the User as well as Image data is stored in the Supabase Database
  4. All authenticated users on the Platform can view drawings made by other users

In addition to that, we also used Vercel to host the next.js app.

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