Made with Supabase

Safe to eat shows

A web site where you can check if a movie/series is not to gross to watch while you eat. This website was build using Flask Api for backend, and reactjs + tailwind for frontend.

App hosted here

List of team members

@LMC23 @mihaiandrei97

Supabase Features

  • used supabase-js v2 for user authentication
  • used supabase db to store data (for the movies/series, comments, votes)
  • user supabase-py to interact with the database

App Features

  • Visitors can search for movies/series and see the rating ( safe to eat / not safe to ea / not yet rated).
  • Visitors can find information about a specific movie/series like score/description/release date/credits.
  • Visitors can go to the Safe2Eat tab, where they can see every movie rated by the other users.
  • Logged user:
    • Can vote if a movie/series is safe to eat / not safe to eat;
    • Can add comments;
    • Can change their nickname.

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