Made with Supabase

Supalytics - Website Analytics Tool

Supalytics is an open-source website analytics tool designed to track websites. Gain insights into your audience, behavior, and website performance.

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  • Visitors: Real-time tracking and analysis of visitor behavior.
  • Location: Identify global visitor origins.
  • Languages: Analyze visitor language preferences.
  • Real-Time Data: Monitor website activity instantly.
  • Traffic Sources: Detailed analysis of referral, direct, and search traffic.
  • Device Analytics: Insights into visitor devices, browsers, and operating systems.
  • Privacy: Data privacy is ensured with no stored cookies or personally identifiable information collected.
  • Performance: Fast analytics without website slowdowns.

Tech Stack

  • Powered by: Supabase.
  • Framework: Built with Next.js 14.
  • UI Components: Utilizes components from shadcn/ui and styled with TailwindCSS & HyperUI.
  • Deployment: Hosted on Vercel.
  • Charts & Dashboard: Utilizes React components from Tremor.
  • Email Management: Powered by Resend for authentication and support emails.

Supabase Offerings Used

  • Realtime: Tracks and updates visitor data in real-time.
  • Database: Stores visitor data securely.
  • Auth: Handles user authentication securely.
  • Webhooks: Sends admin emails for new support requests.

Support Mechanism

Supalytics includes a built-in support mechanism, allowing visitors to send support requests to the admin. Support requests are stored in the Supabase database, and the admin is notified via email, all powered by a Supabase Webhook Workflow.

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