Made with Supabase


Presenting the modern age Chat app Tedangle as the name suggests Ted:” signifies techies in the world” angle:” bespeak’s the chat angle between the developers of the tech community”

Tedangle Description

Presenting the modern age Chat app Tedangle especially for developers that encompasses the functionality to chat with techies in the industry and share the experience and ignite their tech minds.

This project encompasses the tech stack as

  • SupaBase
  • Flutter
  • get 4.6.5
  • supabase:0.3.6
  • dotted_border:2.0.0+2
  • intl:0.17.0
  • sizer:2.0.15
  • flutter_ripple:0.03


Chat app designed to chat with developers all around the world around on various topics. Enjoy seamless chatting using the app as it features:

  • Minimalistic color UI
  • Inspiration from One dark pro’s color theme
  • Various categories to chat with login functionality
  • Feasibility to go off chat
  • Developed with the creativity and passion of developers
  • Exception handling
  • Major & minor cases covered

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