div align="center" img src="https://uxpkwnwwzvnivsgmwxtl.supabase.in/storage/v1/object/public/banner/demo/hero.png"/ /div br
I hope you are well, staying safe and healthy. I have started working remotely during the pandemic. My routine in this time is getting up, eating, working, then eating and go to sleep, day by day, a cycle :(. To be honest, I feel a bit lonely. Then I join a group on Facebook. The admin of this group creates an event where group members can join a Zoom room and study, working together. I also join this event, it's great fun. I meet a lot of people. It makes me don't feel alone anymore. So I wonder why don't I create a website where people can put their room link (use Google Meet, Zoom, or Gather ...) then other people can join. So I created Together. π¨βπ§βπ§
Below is a list of technologies we use at Together.
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