YT Notes - Interactive Video Notes
YT Notes is an interactive video note-taking application that enables users to jot down notes at specific timestamps during video playback.
Watch Demo Video on loom:
- Users can swiftly create courses by simply entering the YouTube video URL.
- A course will be generated by retrieving all the data from the YouTube API.
- You can access any course and enjoy a similar YouTube-like experience with the added feature of note-taking.
- When you make a note, it will automatically record the timestamp at which the note was taken.
- You can revisit this timestamp and watch the video at the exact moment when you took that note to revise it.
- You also have the ability to edit and delete the notes as you wish.
- You can also download the notes as a text file for offline access.
- You can listen to notes instead of reading them by simply clicking a button.
AI Usage
- To test your knowledge, you can generate a quiz based on your notes. Gemini AI will create a multiple-choice question set that you can take to check your understanding.
- You'll be presented with multiple options to select from, and your score will be tracked simultaneously.